Practically Ranching

Bonus Episode - Bull Sale Preview

Matt Perrier Episode 46

A bit different episode, as Matt will give a summary of the sires in their upcoming bull sale.

Hello from the practically ranching podcast studios for you. Avid podcast listeners that have been with us for a long time. This one's going to be a little different. We're going to try video and see if it will upload, uh, for those of you who are coming to us from the Dale bank, social media pages. Um, welcome. The podcast studio is also known as Amy and my mud room and our family office and catch all and everything else. Uh, this is not a normal practically ranching podcast. This one, we're going to talk a bit about our bulls coming up and our bull sale November 18th. So as always, we appreciate everyone and your time and listening. And, um, if you are just into practically ranching, Because you liked to learn information. Uh, this one you may skip past if you are just here because you like to buy Angus genetics, uh, this may be your favorite one. But hopefully everybody gets something out of it. So thanks as always for tuning in. I


wanted to jump on here. A sale is coming up here in a couple of weeks, and I, uh, just wanted to go through a few of the sire groups.

That'll be offered here in our practical, profitable genetics bull sale, November 18th. A lot of times we have customers that are looking to introduce a new sire line or want to know a little bit more about why we chose a certain AI sire over another and saw that this was a good, not good opportunity to, to kind of go through those. So. Um, if you have a catalog for our Dale bank saying is sale already, you can open that up or you can find it page. And go through that digitally. It's searchable by APD sires, the whole nine yards as well. So. You'll see that in, in this catalog, we're selling to different groups to different age groups of bulls. They're coming two year olds that would have been spring borns in 2022. And then our fall yearlings that are just past a year of age right now. Uh, both of these age divisions, we're going to start with sons of Tahoma, patriarch, our friends, the boars out in Northern California bread patriarch. And he's just one of these do it all kinds of bulls that we used because of his calving ease and rapid early growth and, and good maternal traits. And then product merit. And we found out after using him that yeah, he offers some, uh, soundness improvement. He offers a lot of great maternal, genetics and fertility. Both on the daughter's side and on the bulls and the sun side. And so patriarch was a pretty obvious spot to start, uh, both these older bulls and the yearling bulls. And I think. Once folks see these groups they'll really appreciate the fact that not only do they have a great EPD profile, But they have a, just a super sound nice look to them as well. They're very athletic. Uh, we used a couple of our patriarch sons that were spring yearlings last year. It's clean up a lot. One is a classic example. Good footed. Good sound moving. Sounds structured. Really really thick, nice eye appealing bull that offer also offers plenty of end product merit and growth. Uh, In addition to that cabin. So I think folks will really like the patriarchs. It's a little bit newer sire group for us. Uh, last year was the first time we had any patriarch sens, but you'll see these in many sales to come here, here at Dale banks. Uh, the next one we'll move to is bull called yawn top. Cut. Uh, these will be some of the first top cuts we sell. Uh, at auction and I think you're going to love this EPD profile and the top cat progeny. Um, these cattle are tops in terms of their IMF and they're in product merit. Uh, they're tops in terms of calving ease, and even their early growth. Um, and their tops and heifer, pregnancy and dollar maternal right now. And so we're excited to see what those daughters, we can have our first daughters here this spring, or we'll have our first two year old top cats in production, and we're excited to see how they look wet, but yeah, top cut. Um, You want a sire group? That's going to add intramuscular fat and marbling. You want a sire group, that's going to add calving ease, um, and still moderate the frame size of his progeny. Top cut is going to do it. They've been rockstars in terms of, of their marbling and intramuscular fat. Uh, they're very, very lean cattle. And so he does some unique things. Um, as a, as a sire group. Um, does some unique things, and I think folks are going to find those bulls in the sale. Uh, throughout there because of exactly that they're there in product value and yet still in a moderate frame type of a package. So we're, we're very excited about, um, uh, top cut for our buyers to the south and east, uh, that are on fescue country and need a little more heat tolerance. He's a top 1% hair shed, EPD bull, and we've seen it as we've started scoring these cattle for their shed ability in the late spring and early summer. Uh, the top cat cattle or, or a group that should very early and very easily. And I think they'll, they'll, uh, fit very well. And. And Kevin and Lydia yawn bred this bull and their family. They're in South Carolina. They understand what it has to be to, uh, to have cattle that, that work in a Southeast environment. So I think, um, top cut should, should find some popularity in, in that area for our buyers to the south and east, to here as well. A newer bull that, uh, we'll have our first set of sons by this sale is a bull called H F safe and sound. This is a bull that we actually tried to buy as a herd sire, um, back a few years ago from Jeff and the crew down there at Hilton farms. And. Um, didn't, didn't quite have enough lead in our Pennsylvania getting, getting purchased that day. But I've probably wished most days ever since that we had, uh, we went in and used Mai and I'm glad we did. Um, His name kind of says it all there. He's very safe to use on heifers. I think he's a top one or 2% calving ease, maternal and top two or three. Kevin he's direct. Um, they're very sound. His, uh, cloth shape EPD is I think in the top third of the breed. Here by our initial a foot. Uh, uh, foot scores that we would have taken here this last spring and this fall. Um, I would say that he's probably going to be a foot improver just based off the few that we've had thus far. Um, these cattle are, are pretty cool looking. They've got a nice deep look to them. Profile wise. Um, they've gained very well, especially up to yearling. I don't think they're going to be big frame cattle at all, but they put pounds in the right package. And this is a, this is a sire group that I would say, keep an eye on. I think they're going to a. Going to do a lot of things for folks like us that want a bull to go in there and do a lot of things really well. That's, that's how he's bred. Um, you'd go back through that identified line and the text playbook, cattle. Um, there's a lot of good cattle in that pedigree. Who still. Scan and grade very well from a marbling and IMF standpoint, um, lay down enough muscle and enough growth in a package that I think is really going to be good. So he's, he's pretty well a total outcross, um, for a lot of our breeders and a lot of our customers. And I think that those, uh, those safe and sound bulls will, will be something that'll be very valuable as we go forth. And we'll probably have quite a few the next few years. The next, our group we'll talk about are the growth funds. Uh, we've sold growth fund bulls here for the last couple of years. And, and, uh, anybody that likes to look at sound stout, bone deep ribbed. Growthy cattle. They're going to like the growth funds and that's why they've been some of our top selling bulls. If you're selling calves by the pound at weaning or yearling time. He puts that look in cattle, that those calf buyers just absolutely love. They'll add some bone, they'll add some substance, a lad weight. He's a top 1% weaning and yearling weight, gross bull. Um, just does a lot of things really, really well. Plus like I said, puts that, look in those cattle that, that, um, that buyers and cattlemen alike just really like. Can they look cool. Uh, that's a bull that we have used for several years. Uh, we're starting to get to the end. We've used him for three or four years. And so we won't have a lot more cool bulls to sell. This'll be one of the last big groups I think we have in the bull sale. Uh, but I'll tell you what he is. He's a diamond in the rough, and frankly, I'm shocked that more Angus breeders haven't found can they leave? Cool. Uh, he came up on several searches for a couple of years. And finally, I just, I couldn't not use the bowl when we started using him. Once we started getting progeny. I couldn't. Turn around and using fast enough. Again, those, those cattle do exactly what his EPDs say. They are not rock stars in any one trait. But they just hit really well on all cylinders. They're there low to moderate birth weight. Uh, they're above average, weaning above average yearling growth cattle here. Uh, he ranks about average for his EPD profiles. And. To. Even go further. And I guess from a profit standpoint, when we talk about traits like fertility and function traits, these cools are easy fleshing they're easy breeding cattle. Uh, they're great docility cattle. If you need a sire group to turn to that, you say is just going to quiet. A set of cows or set a progeny down. Uh, Conneely cool is exactly that. They're cool. They're docile them, mild mannered. Um, still stand on a good foot. Maybe just a little more set to those rear legs, but I'm still very sound cattle. Like I said, deep ribbed, easy flashing. Hi, maternal kind of cattle that if someone is looking to raise really, really good replacement females, that aren't going to put you behind in terms of growth and, and in product merit. Uh, Conneely cool is, is going to be a bull that I think will do that and do that very well. A couple of the last SAR groups that we don't have a lot of bulls by, but, uh, but you'll see in our book, Uh, sits stellar and his son sits resilient. We'll have a few bulls in both age divisions. on the stellar and resilient side, these are sires that we reached out and use to try to improve some foot soundness and, and improve utters and, and maternal function. And I think they've done exactly that. Stellar is one of the top bulls in the breed for is cloth AP PD. Uh, we sold several stellar sons last year and they were. Everybody loved them. Uh, from a profile standpoint, they just had that herd bull look. And I think you'll see that same thing as we go into the resilience. The resilience probably have just a little more gas. Have a little bit more winning in yearling performance, then the Stellars maybe just a notch, more frame size. But, uh, but still very good footed, very good leg. And we're excited about what those females are going to do for years to come. The Stellars have been very easy fleshing. Beautiful uttered cows here. Uh, we've just got young cows. And so we're starting to find out a little bit more about that sire group and are excited about it. And then rounding out. Um, we'll have a handful of bulls that are sired by a couple of natural herd sires that we purchased down in the Texas panhandle. Uh, several years ago, first, uh, OLC, big Texan that we got from Steve and ginger Olson and then PCC charisma that came from their daughter and son-in-law Scott and Ryan Pohlman. Both of these sires have worked the pastures here at Del banks for several years and both have done a phenomenal job at covering cows and it getting through some tough country and breeding in a, in a pretty tough environment, right behind a two time AI season and leaving some calves behind that are still gonna really, really work the balance of these cattle, the soundness, the function. Um, it is really good. And, and as we've gotten some of the initial data back on the American Angus associations, functional longevity, PDs, These two bowls are standing out and, um, and ones that obviously most of the data has come from here. But, um, those daughters out of, uh, both big techs and charisma looked like they're going to do a really, really nice job here. And be some great, um, maternal genetics, I think, going forth. So there'll be a handful of other sires represented, in the offering. But, but these half dozen bulls are going to represent the bulk of them. I think you'll see that this is added to the consistency. Uh, each of these bulls while they have their strengths and weaknesses. They're still very consistent in their EPD makeup and in their type and kind, and, and, um, uh, again, we've, we've talked for years about practical, profitable genetics or advertising campaign. This, uh, this fall has talked about finding that intersection. Between traits that cost and traits that pay. And these sires that we've just talked about, do exactly that we don't go out there and try to maximize anyone APD or, or any even set of EPDs. We try to optimize the output growth marbling. Those. EPDs that, that drive the revenue. While still finding that sweet spot for Cal function and fertility and foot soundness and things like this, um, that, that if we get out of balance can, can cost cattlemen in the long run. So I think, I think you'll appreciate any one of these sires. Yes, there are differences and we always have to remember that. We can talk about a sire group of bulls, right. But we have to also admit that. Roughly on average half the genetics are coming from the cow side as well. Um, but if anyone has paid attention to our breeding program over the last a hundred years, but, um, 50, that, that dad and I have, uh, have been around watching it, um, We haven't strayed very far from the exact same trait emphasis. That we're seeing right now. Uh, in these, in these current AI sires. So the cow herd. The function and, the just overall foundation traits of the cow herd, I think, are going to represent and compliment these bulls very well. So I appreciate you, uh, tuning in and listening here today and we look forward to. To visiting with you in the coming days and weeks leading up to the sale. And if you can be here November 18th at the ranch Northwest of URI, Kansas, we'd love to have you on the sale day. If not, we'd love to have you tune in and watch on So we welcome your comments and your questions. Uh, give us a call anytime, go to Dale and you can contact us from there. Thanks a bunch.

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